Credit Card Disputes
When an unexpected charge appears on your credit card bill, you are likely to be understandably confused and worried. Trying to handle credit card disputes on your own is possible, but not always advisable. It can be incredibly beneficial to find credit dispute lawyers to help with your situation.
Consider contacting John Stimson, a credit card fraud attorney in Waukegan, IL. He has 39 years of experience in the legal field, including credit card litigation. Because of this, he can help you understand the laws surrounding credit card disputes and can guide you through the legal process. Call John Stimson today to receive your free 15-minute consultation.
Credit Dispute Lawyers
Finding an unexpected charge on your bill is a frightening time. However, it’s important to remain calm and examine the situation to determine your next course of action. There are a couple of things you should do when you notice an unexpected charge:
Make sure the charge is wrong. Double-check your bill to make sure that the charge really shouldn’t be there. Could you have forgotten about a purchase? Is it something you have set a reoccurring payment for? When dealing with credit card disputes, you want to make absolutely certain that there is truly an error involved.
Figure out if the charge is fraud or just an error. While both can cause problems, cases are handled differently depending on whether you’ve experienced fraud or a billing error. The best way to determine if it’s fraud is to look at when and where the charge was made. If the charge happened in a different state, for example, it was likely fraud; if there’s an extra charge for a store you visited a couple of nights ago, then it’s likely an error.
Contact the merchant and your credit card company. If the charge is the result of a billing error, it’s generally better to try and contact the merchant first to resolve the charge. Your credit card company should be notified if you can’t settle things with the merchant, or if you are dealing with fraud.
Once these steps have been taken, you may want to consider finding lawyers experienced with credit card disputes. Credit dispute lawyers can help you in dealing with credit card litigation, which may seem overwhelming if you’re dealing with it alone.
Credit Card Fraud Attorney
If you have experienced credit card fraud, you have protection under the Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA). The FCBA helps you determine which billing errors are eligible for credit card disputes, which includes:
Charges you didn’t make.
Inaccurate charges.
Charges for goods or services that didn’t arrive, were damaged upon delivery, or that weren’t in the agreed-upon condition.
General calculation errors.
Errors that cause credits to an account to be input as charges.
The FCBA then provides parameters for dealing with credit card disputes. First, send a written notice to your credit card company within 60 days of the charge. After that, your company must send out a letter acknowledging the notice within 30 days. They will perform an investigation and will send you a letter upon obtaining the results, which will either honor the claim or say that they’ve determined no error was involved. In the latter situation, you can request documents supporting the claim.
Dealing with credit card disputes alone can be daunting, however, and often people feel more confident hiring credit dispute lawyers to help. If you live in Waukegan, IL, then contact John Stimson, an experienced credit card fraud attorney. Call for a free 15-minute consultation today.
Credit Card Litigation
John Stimson has significant experience with credit card litigation and is ready to help with your case. He will help explain the best course of action and can guide you throughout the following areas. He has helped individuals deal with credit card disputes in a number of areas, and can serving anyone living in:
Waukegan, IL
Chicago, IL
Long Grove, IL
Lake Forest, IL
Des Plaines, IL
Arlington Heights, IL
Skokie, IL
Cook County, IL
Lake County, IL
When you need an experienced credit card fraud attorney to help with credit card disputes, then contact the attorney who will fight aggressively for your rights. Call John Stimson to get your free consultation.